My thoughts...a COME COME!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I've been having alot of fun since I have been home for winter break. Random stops at QT, going to the waffle house, trips up to my old school, visiting friends, going to random parties...its been a good time. I realize that I do have the best friends anyone could ask for. Its always good to have people in your life who you know care about you and have your back whenever you need them to...

Yet, what about that person who doesn't have this anymore?

Yesterday my "brother" came over and was talking to me about a girl who I used to be really close with yet things happened and eventually led to a falling out between us. And he begins to give me an update on this girl's life and how basically she and the guy she was with are having a while lot of problems (which really isnt new) and how he basically is done. She has been wildin out and just doin stuff thats way out of character...or what I used to know was here character. And now, because of some of the things she has done in the past, she is by herself because she has pushed most of her friends, such as myself, away and the guy seems like he doesnt want to be in the picture anymore.

When I hear this story it was kinda like...damn, i feel bad for her. I mean even though we been through it and the friendship was beginning to become a real emotional strain on me, I don't want her to feel alone, you know? Yet, if this happening is partially her fault, should I feel sympathic? Should I make myself vulnerable to her again, to just be kicked back to the curb when then go on the straight and narrow with this guy in her life? Should I forget about the past and try to be a friend again? Or do I continue to do me...and whatever happens, happens...despite how she is feeling? Its a tough call...

I honeslty feel as if I am leaning toward the side of just going on about my business. I know it may seem as if I'm the Tin Man...yeah yeah have a heart and all that. But it gets tired of putting yourself out there over and over again for something that just backfires in your face. Who knows, my mind may change as I am in the Christmas spirit. However...

I'm not sure if it will...


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to let someone go...U really find out who ur true friends are when u get rid of the ones who really don't have ur back!!!

Joi said...

i agree