My thoughts...a COME COME!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Military Time 16:00

First blog. First day. Just woke up...Good Morning. I hope I get the hang of this because right now...I think I may suck. Bear with me.

I feel as if the proper and polite thing to do right now is to introduce myself. Yet with all this sleep in my eye, i'm not feeling oh so proper...but as I always tell people to suck it up, I guess I should do the same. Hi! Folks call me Jackie and I am a freshman in college. I think this is the best I can do for right apologies. Dont label me as a lame just yet...give yourself about two weeks....then you can make that decision. :)

So, I went to class today. Fell asleep through calculus. Yawned all the way through economic geography (just sounds boring doesn't it?). This is a normal college day...whoop de doo, the excitement is overwhelming. Now I have LOUD junior high school kids running around my dorm during my nap period...does anyone have a rock?